South Gate High Class of 56'  

Summer Index K thru S

T to Z
* = Deceased * = New bio, pictures.. # = Number of pictures
on page..
(e) = Email address @
Kanka, Al McCown, Virgina Neima, Arlene Rhoads, Robert (e)Shea, Jim
Keefer. Etta McPherson, Howard Nove, Carole Rhoads, Roland* Shedore, Barbara
Kennedy, William Macoli, Richard Nowell, Helen 2 Ricon, Pricilla Sheek, Paul
Kimball, Robert * (e) Mandeville, David *6 Nick, Sharmaine 2 Riggert, Carole Shepard, Jess
King, Jay Marciniak, Donna Oneilin, Fred Roatcap, Marie   (e) Sheue, Alfred *5
(e)Kinzy, Leroy 3 (e) Markle, Helen*7 Pahel, Marlene 3 Robbins, John Shirrel,Ted
Kistler, Jack * Martin, Midge 2 Palozzolo, Rosalie Roberts, David (e)Shoemaker, Reba*
Klatt, Skeeter 6 Martinez, Prisilla Panting, Dorthy Roberts, Kathlene Simone, Ronald
Knoll, Mary Ann *5 Mascheck.Jr,Albert Parkinson, Valentina Romney, Regina Sivulka, Michael
(e) Koch, Alan 2 Mayhew, Henry Patcha, Robert Root, Nancy Smith, Arlene  
Kossieck, Charles McCord, Don (e)  Pearce, Sam 2 (e) Ross, Anthony 5 Smith, Darold
Lara, Francis (e) Meldrum, George* 2 Peterson, Darlene Routh, John Smith, John
Lara, Robert Mellett, Gary Peterson, Mary Rue, William (e)Smithson, Leroy*6
(e) Leach, Daniel **3 Mendenhall, Lila  Pharis, Bob    Sands, Patricia Smoyer, Dale
Leach, Don Miller, Phil*2 Phelps, Sheldon Scalir, Helen Snyder, Laurence
Leavitt, Sandra* Minor, Sandy Poarch, Roberta   Scheible, Florence Sokoloff, Bill
Leigh, Beverly 4 Moe, Marianne Pomrehn, Hugo (e) Schmidt, Barbara* Sorenson, Jack
Lindstrom, Beverly (e)Moffett, Donald Putnam, Kenneth Schmoyer, Wayne Spahr, Carla
Lewis, Tom Moon, Jerry (e) Quartz, Norma  * Schnobrich, Laural (e) Stamper, Clo 2
(e) LoCicero, Richard*12 Moore, Carol  Ralston, Cheryl Schoors, Maurice   Stein, Frederick*4
Loignon, Shelia (e)Monson, Audrey Ratcliff, Relda Schwarzbeck, Fred Stienmetz jr, William*
Lorah, H.James Moore, Phil  (e) Reckling, Gary*2 Scofield, Callie Stern, Marilyn
Lorah, Harold Morrill, Constance Reeves, Richard (e) Senf, David 2 Stoddard, Danielle 2
Lowe, Wendall (e) Morris, Wanda * Regnier, Geraald (e) Setterburg, Elizabeth

(e) Stone, Maureen *

Luther, Jeanette 3 Murphy, Karen Reis, Beatrice (e)  Sferrazza, Sal 5 Stoner, Eleanor 2
Lyle, Carolyn 2 Nahra, Michael Reis, Mary 2 (e)  Shackelford, Al *4 (e) Struthers, Grace 2
Lynch, Raymond Neilson, Dorthy     Suggs, Margaret
(e)McBride, Donald        Swanson, Jeanenne

McBride, Harley *


(e)McColl, Robert*5


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